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Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction Pack - Stages 1-6

RRP - $251.36   Our Price - $240.91  Set
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Lorraine Lea Australian author

  • Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction Pack - Stages 1-6


Save and purchase this pack - 1 copy of each Little Learners BIG WORLD nonfiction Stages 1-6, 35 books in total 

These engaging nonfiction books are decodable meaning children use their  knowledge of letters and sounds to decode (sound-out) the text. Little Learners BIG WORLD nonfiction follow the same phonics sequence as our decodable fiction (Pip and Tim), providing extra reading practice ... and so much more!

In this series we cover a range of relevant topics and text types – packing in as many facts as possible. Children will build content knowledge and vocabulary – vital for the development of comprehension. Every book includes a Talk About It section designed to spark discussion and develop oral language skills.

Beautifully designed with a hybrid photographic and illustrative visual approach – these books will engage children and enable them to experience success. 

Key Features:

  • Packed with facts (and plenty of humour) on a range of local and global topics
  • Follows the tried and tested LLLL sequence to ensure children achieve success 
  • Every book includes ‘How to enjoy this book’ notes, ‘Speed Words’ for additional reading practice and a ‘Talk About It’ page with extra facts to discuss and explore together
  • More content is available through a QR code in the back of the book to inspire children to go further in their learning after reading the book. 

These are nonfiction books children will LOVE to read with words they CAN read.

"The new BIG WORLD non-fiction decodables are just brilliant! They are so appealing and so clever in that they offer kiddos more opportunities to cement their initial code blending skills. The Follow Up activities are also excellent for rich discussions and prompting children to think deeply about lots of topics, big and small. Bravo, once again, Little Learners Love Literacy ! "
- Wendy

Item MediaPrice
img_9907Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction Pack - Stages 1-6
img_1009900Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction - Stage 1
img_2009901Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction - Stage 2
img_3009902Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction - Stage 3
img_4009903Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction - Stage 4
img_5009905Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction - Stage +4
img_6009904Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction - Stage 5
img_7009906Little Learners, Big World Nonfiction - Stage 6