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What Do You Do in the Community Combo: A Social Skills Game and Fun deck

RRP - $141.73   Our Price - $116.32  Game Fun deck Set
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  • What Do You Do in the Community Combo

Game and Fun Deck combo for children to practice and build social and decision-making skills appropriate for a variety of situations. Students discuss how to react appropriately when faced with different situations within their community.

  • What Do You Say...What Do You Do...In the Community? A Social Skills Game

For students aged 5 to 14 years.

Prepare your students for life outside the home and classroom! What Do You Say...What Do You Do... In the Community? is an interactive, open-ended game that builds social and decision-making skills appropriate for a variety of situations. Students play answering social-skills questions to help improve reasoning, inferencing, pragmatic, narrative, and conversational skills. With each correct answer, they collect tokens to fill a token strip. The first to fill the token strip, or collect the most tokens, wins! The Social Situation Cards target several different settings: medical, outside, places to eat, stores, business/government, all around. The open-ended questions encourage students to problem-solve & are excellent for role-play.

  • What Would You Do in the Community If...Fun Deck

For younger students aged 5 to 9 years.

Students discuss how to react appropriately when faced with different situations within their community by answering these thought-provoking questions. 56 illustrated question cards.

Item MediaPrice
img_8058What Do You Do in the Community Combo
A Social Skills Game and Fun deck
Game Fun deck Set$116.32Cart+
img_1006378What Do You Say . . . What Do You Do . . . In the Commu
A Social Skills Game
img_2007957What Would You Do in the Community If... Fun Deck