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13 & Counting: Be the Difference!: Engaging Bullying Prevention Activities That Promote Social Skills and Executive Function.

RRP - $40.45   Our Price - $36.32  Softcover (inc CD)
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Tamara Zentic

  • 13 & Counting: Be the Difference!

97 pages
Interest Age: 13 to 18
ISBN: 9781934490594

Do you wish your secondary students would use appropriate social skills in day to day interactions? Do you have students who need to strengthen their executive function? Do you need your students to be the difference for bullying prevention? 13 and Counting - Be the Difference! has 25 timely lesson plans that deal directly with bullying, social skills development and executive function. Each lesson is designed to proactively teach students to recognize, prevent and respond appropriately to bullying and teasing behaviors. By applying social skills such as tolerating differences in others, making and accepting apologies, accepting defeat or loss, and resisting peer pressure, students are empowered to stand up for themselves and their friends to take a stand against bullying.

To help teachers make the most of the lessons, the social skills and activities are tied to a specific executive function such as planning, using self-control, team-building, or demonstrating flexibility. The creative lessons are active, hands-on and technology-based to capture and keep the attention of middle and high school students. Suggestions for flipped classroom ideas are given. As an added bonus, a CD with print-ready worksheets and skill posters is included.