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Active Participation DVD, Secondary: Getting Them All Engaged

$769.05  DVD
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Anita L Archer

  • Active Participation DVD, Secondary

ISBN: 9781599090542

No matter how well you've crafted your lessons or how top-notch your adopted curriculum might be, you must still engage your students if they are to adequately assimilate your lesson content.

With Dr. Anita Archer's Active Participation DVDs for the secondary level, you will learn how to engage all students in your classroom, from star performers to struggling students. Students who actively participate in lessons improve both behaviour and academic performance.

Learn specific instructional procedures and routines to:

  • Increase engagement
  • Increase on-task behaviour
  • Increase accountability
  • Promote desired behaviours
  • Reduce inappropriate behaviours
  • Keep the class briskly moving along

Active Participation DVDs can be used both to introduce teaching staff to active engagement strategies and to serve periodically as a systematic review of engagement strategies for staff who are familiar with the concepts, but need a quick refresher.

Show the DVD on a large screen for whole-staff inservice or on a single computer for individual or small-group study sessions. Dr. Archer's presentations are equally as effective!

Please note that this DVD set is for secondary grades 6-12. There is another version that is tailored to elementary-level classrooms.

Table of Contents

Nine Inservice Sessions (title & run-time in minutes)

  • Overview of the Active Participation Inservice: Introduction by Dr. Anita Archer - 5:49
  • Session 1: Introduction to Active Participation - 49:54
  • Session 2: Teaching Active Participation to Students - 34:28
  • Session 3: Structured Choral Responses - 27:41
  • Session 4: Partner Responses Part 1 - 45:19
  • Session 5: Partner Responses Part 2 - 30:31
  • Session 6: Individual Responses - 28:07
  • Session 7: Putting It Together (Choral, Partner, and Individual Responses) - 32:58
  • Session 8: Written and Action Responses - 42:19
  • Session 9: Passage Reading - 29:16

Package contains: 4 DVDs, 1 CD with 17 page Facilitator's Guide