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3rd Edition

ADHD The Facts

RRP - $38.14   Our Price - $36.32  Paperback
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Mark Selikowitz Australian author

  • ADHD The Facts

240 pages
ISBN: 9780198867371

ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is now recognised as one of the most common causes of learning and behavioural difficulties in school-aged children. Symptoms include poor concentration,forgetfulness, poor organisation, impulsivity, restlessness, poor social skills, learning difficulties, low self-esteem, and defiant behaviour. Despite growing awareness of ADHD among parents and health professionals, it is still widely misunderstood. This third edition of ADHD: The Facts provides:

  • An authoritative and compassionate guide to the most common cause of learning and behavioural difficulties in school-aged children
  • Adopts an international approach to both diagnosis and treatment
  • Includes advice for both children and adults suffering from ADHD
  • Written clearly and simply in an easy-to-read format for those with no medical expertise
  • Key points at the beginning of each chapter highlight important aspects of the chapters to the reader
  • The previous edition of ADHD: The Facts won first prize in the BMA Medical Book Competition, Popular Medicine Category

New to this Edition:

  • Includes a greater range of treatment options
  • Recent developments in the understanding of ADHD and its associated conditions
  • More information about adult ADHD

Written by an experienced paediatrician, the book provides practical advice to help parents understand their child's difficulties and how to overcome them. With detailed explanations of the cause of ADHD, its nature, and treatments of the condition that have proved effective over time, this new edition includes developments in the understanding of conditions that often coexist with it, as well as problems experienced by adults with ADHD.

ADHD: The Facts will be of invaluable assistance to parents of children with ADHD and to teachers,psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and doctors wanting an authoritative, up-to-date,and practical review of the condition.

Table of Contents

Section 1 - Introduction

  1. What is ADHD?

Section 2 - Some characteristic difficulties

  1. Poor concentration
  2. Impulsivity
  3. Excessive movement
  4. Learning difficulties
  5. Defiance
  6. Low self-esteem
  7. Social clumsiness
  8. Emotional disorders

Setion 3 - The cause of ADHD

  1. An impairment in brain function

Section 4 - How ADHD is diagnosed

  1. Diagnosis and Assessment

Section 5 - Multi-modal treatment

  1. Home management
  2. School management
  3. Behaviour modification
  4. Medicines - general principles
  5. A guide to specific medicines

Section 6 - Unconventional Treatments

  1. Unconventional treatments

Section 7 - Adulthood, Section

  1. Adulthood

Section 8 - Conclusion, Appendix, Index

  • Conclusion
  • Appendix - useful internet sites
  • Index