This staff training DVD features scenes of adolescents participating in group sessions for each of Aggression Replacement Training's three interventions.
Viewers will see:
- Dr. Ellen McGinnis leading a prosocial skills training group
- Dr. Eva L. Feindler conducting an anger management session
- Mark Amendola and Dr. Robert Oliver facilitating a moral reasoning group
Content Highlights:
The video begins with Mark Amendola describing ART's three-part intervention—Prosocial Skills Training, Anger Control, and Moral Reasoning. He discusses why the ART approach is so effective in working with aggressive youth. Viewers will see scenes of adolescents participating in group sessions for each of the three interventions.
- Prosocial Skills—Dr. Ellen McGinnis conducts a social skills training session and leads the group through the steps involved in Skillstreaming, from defining the skill through role playing and homework assignments
- Anger Control—Dr. Eva Feindler conducts an anger management session, leading the group through identifying triggers, physical cues, anger reduction techniques, and self-instructional reminders
- Moral Reasoning—During a moral reasoning training group, Mark Amendola and Dr. Robert Oliver facilitate the group's discussion and resolution of a moral dilemma.
Runs for 59 minutes.