This thought-provoking series introduces readers to the possibility of other life in outer space. Aliens explores the exciting facts and fiction behind this famous mystery. Young readers will be able to make their own conclusions about their alien beliefs.
"Grades 2-5 Real or not, there's no denying that aliens are always fascinating. The volumes in the Aliens series (6 titles) use this interest to promote science, history, and media literacy in a high/low format that comprises large, colorful photographs and visuals; engaging stories and facts; and simple text in short chunks. Alien Conspiracy Theory introduces the concept of conspiracy theory and gives several examples related to aliens, including Area 51, Men in Black, and crop circles. Overall, the series offers a balanced approach to the topic of aliens, recognizing that alien life is possible but has not been found yet. In this age of fake news, the series also emphasizes finding proof to validate theories. The books conclude with a glossary, trivia, and an activity, offering readers plenty of concrete benefits, but in the end, considering the possibility of otherworldly life is the real draw."
- Booklist, American Library Association