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Amber Guardians: 10 book set

RRP - $113.64   Our Price - $109.05  Set
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Clair Baker

  • Amber Guardians

32 pages
Interest Age: 8 to 14
ISBN: 9781783692941

A chance discovery of an ancient necklace soon leads Finn and his friends on an incredible quest....

This series of 10 books has a higher text-to-illustration ratio and is designed to bridge the gap between the PhonicBooks structured reading series (catch-up readers) and mainstream reading. The aim of the books is to build reading stamina and increase confidence to move on.

Studies show that using morphological strategies for reading and spelling is a very efficient way of building literacy skills. The series and accompanying workbook focus on the study of English morphemes. This will help students to understand the meaning of prefixes, suffixes, and root words, which in turn enhances the comprehension of text being read.

PhonicBooks Amber Guardians features Finn, a well-known character from the Magic Belt Series, as well as introducing new and exciting companions on his latest quest.

  • Higher text-to-illustration ratio
  • Age-appropriate illustrations and story lines that engage and encourage the pupil to read on
  • Focuses on reading, spelling and comprehension
  • Enhances vocabulary development
  • Reader-friendly layout

Table of Contents

Book 1: City of Secrets

  • Suffixes 's', 'es', 'ed' and 'ing'

Book 2: The Bones of Ruin

  • Suffixes 'ful', 'less', 'ness', 'er', 'est', 'lg', 'en', 'ish', 'y', 'able' and 'ible'

Book 3: Into the Unknown

  • Prefixes 'un', 'in', 'im', 'il', 'ir', 'mis' and 'dis'

Book 4: Roots of Corruption

  • Prefixes 're', 'pre', 'post', 'ante' and 'anti'

Book 5: Trials and Trickery

  • Prefixes 'uni', 'bi', 'tri', 'quad', 'dec', 'cent' and 'multi'

Book 6: Impossible Transforamation

  • Prefixes 'sub', 'super', 'trans', 'inter' and 'ex'

Book 7: Facing Fears

  • Prefixes 'magna'/'magni','mega','min'/'mini' and 'micro'

Book 8: Bounty in the Lagoon

  • Root words 'cap'/'capit', 'man', 'spect', 'ped', 'bio', 'viv'/'vit' and 'mort'

Book 9: Sounds of the Sirens

  • Root words 'dict', 'gnaph', 'scrib'/'script' and 'mem'

Book 10: Guardians Unite

  • Root words ject', 'tract', 'port', 'struct', 'labour', 'fact' and 'form'

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10 book set