By using games to explore angry feelings, adults working with young people can help them begin to understand what they are feeling and work out ways to use those feelings to achieve better outcomes. The majority of these games are to be played first in an angry way and then in a more controlled, compassionate and caring way for comparison and contrast in the subsequent discussion.
Supplied on cards, this resource provides:
The game pairs include:
When I am angry/When I am happy; Symbols of anger/Symbols of love; A picture of anger/A picture of peace; Roaring rage/Hopping happiness; Chain of fury/Chain of kindness; The evil eye/Friendly eyes; This is mine/This is ours; I was really angry pairs/Compassion pairs; A picture of my anger/A picture of my gentleness; That really makes me cross/That really makes me cooperate with another person; Anger associations/Helping other people associations; Annoyances/Pleasures; Angry sentence beginnings/Calm sentence beginnings.
26 cards 186 x 134mm in a tin