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Applied Behavior Analysis in Schools: Realistic Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions by Teachers

$114.5  Paperback
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R Nicole Carr

  • Applied Behavior Analysis in Schools

306 pages
ISBN: 9781638221203

Most applied behavior analysis (ABA) texts rely heavily on research findings and technical theory, making them inaccessible for use by everyday teachers. Applied Behavior Analysis in Schools: Realistic Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions by Teachers aims to be the missing link between books on classroom interventions within teacher preparation programs.

Dr. R. Nicolle Carr leverages her years of expertise with ABA and channels it into creating practical, realistic working models of ABA that any teacher can use. Her “by teachers, for teachers” approach to writing effectively outlines ABA strategies so that they can be used with few resources and minimal training.

Applied Behavior Analysis in Schools is tailored toward future and current educators to enable them to learn invaluable tools like how to effectively take data in a classroom to help with academic performance or behaviour management—without requiring them to possess a background in ABA.

What’s included in Applied Behavior Analysis in Schools:

  • Chapters on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • The role of cultural considerations and collaboration skills
  • Use of ABA in transition skills
  • Applying ABA to academics and an overview of assessments

Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.

Applied Behavior Analysis in Schools: Realistic Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions by Teachers takes the concepts of ABA and presents them to teachers in a way that is both approachable and applicable.

Table of Contents

Front Matter

  • Acknowledgments
  • About the Editor
  • Contributing Authors
  • Introduction

Chapter 1 Big Picture: Behavior Analysis Is More Than Just Classroom Management

Chapter 2 Taking on the Elephant in the Room: Classroom Management

Chapter 3 Culturally Responsive Collaboration: Including Everyone at the Table

Chapter 4 Data! You Have to Have Them, But How Do You Get Them? Ways to Accurately Measure Behavior in an Educational Setting

Chapter 5 Assessment of Behavior: Preference, Language, Academics, and Everything in Between

Chapter 6 Why Are They Doing That? Using Functional Behavior Assessment to Understand Problem Behavior

Chapter 7 Using Reinforcement Strategies to Promote Positive Student Outcomes in the Classroom

Chapter 8 You Want Me to Do What? Effective Strategies for Teaching New Skills

Chapter 9 When Reinforcement Does Not Work: Troubleshooting Behavior Interventions for Success

Chapter 10 Methods to Decrease Behavior: Punishment–Behavior Reduction Procedures in Schools

Chapter 11 Academic Skills Are Behaviors, Too! Using the Instructional Hierarchy to Improve Student Performance

Chapter 12 Including the Excluded: Puberty, Development, and Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Students With Disabilities

Chapter 13 Using Applied Behavior Analysis Methodology to Improve Transition to Postsecondary Education and Employment

Chapter 14 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Teachers and Students: A Prosocial Approach to Classroom Management and Social and Emotional Learning

Chapter 15 Application Scenarios


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