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8th Edition

Assessment of Exceptional Students, 8ed: Educational and Psychological Procedures

RRP - $192.68   Our Price - $172.68  Softcover
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Ronald L Taylor

  • Assessment of Exceptional Students, 8ed

480 pages
ISBN: 9780205630479

Heavily revised, the eighth edition of Assessment of Exceptional Students is both more current and more practical, while continuing to emphasise how both informal and formal procedures fit into the overall assessment process.

A traditional text that provides the most up-to-date, comprehensive and practical approach to special education assessment on the market, it also emphasises how both informal and formal procedures fit into the overall assessment process for students with special needs. Not only will readers of the text get the most up-to-date coverage of assessment instruments, techniques, procedures and current concerns in the field, but they will learn the historical, legal and philosophical issues as well.

The eighth edition is chock-full of marked improvements to this proven and excellent text, such as a more user-friendly, paperback design, a seamless, interactive case study woven across the chapters, the latest information on assessment techniques and testing accommodations, as well as increased content about assessing students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.