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Allison Posey

engage the brain

Engage The Brain


How can educators apply brain research with teaching strategies that take advantage of ...




Lively & fun book identifies elements of "The Unlearning Cycle" and challenges educator...

Allison Posey

Allison Posey is a curriculum and design specialist at CAST, the Center for Applied Special Technology. There, she engages in curricular design, leads professional development trainings for the Universal Design for Learning framework, and supports online course instruction, including the UDL Affect and Engagement course. She works with educators across the United States and internationally to integrate and apply current understandings from brain research about learning into instructional practices so that all learners can engage in rigourous learning opportunities. She co-ordinates the CAST free webinar series and presents on the central role of emotions in learning.

Prior to CAST, Allison was a life science teacher in high school and community college settings. She received a degree in Mind, Brain, and Education from Harvard Graduate School of Education where she also worked as a teaching fellow for courses such as Educational Neuroscience and Framing Scientific Research for Public Understanding. She holds a Certificate in Fine Arts from the Maryland Institute of Art.

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