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Anita L Archer

active participation dvd, elementary

Active Participation DVD, Elementary


Dr Anita Archer's DVD series will show you how to engage all students in your classroom...

active participation dvd, secondary

Active Participation DVD, Secondary


Dr Anita Archer's DVD series will show you how to engage all students in your classroom...

explicit instruction

Explicit Instruction


Highly practical & accessible resource gives special and general education teachers the...

explicit instruction posters

Explicit Instruction Posters


Help teachers remember to apply concepts of Explicit Instruction on a daily basis—mak...

explicit vocabulary instruction

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction


In these 4 DVDs (5.7 hours of training), Dr. Archer presents the essentials of explicit...

golden principles of explicit instruction

Golden Principles of Explicit Instruction


Dr Anita Archer covers the big ideas in explicit instruction in these short video segme...



The REWARDS program helps to increase fluency rates, deepen comprehension of informatio...

rewards intermediate classroom set

REWARDS Intermediate Classroom Set


Teach students a flexible strategy for decoding long words & to increase reading fluenc...

rewards plus science classroom set

REWARDS Plus Science Classroom Set


Includes teacher's guide (print + eBook), teacher's licence to online resources and two...

rewards plus science student book

REWARDS Plus Science Student Book


Contains all of the materials a student needs to be successful in applying the decoding...

rewards plus social studies, classroom set

REWARDS Plus Social Studies, Classroom Set


Includes teacher's guide (print + eBook), teacher's licence to online resources, two in...

rewards plus social studies, student books set

REWARDS Plus Social Studies, Student Books Set

The consumable REWARDS Plus: Social Studies Student Book supports the teacher-led in...

rewards secondary classroom set

REWARDS Secondary Classroom Set


an explicitly taught, research-validated reading intervention program for decoding mult...

rewards secondary student book set

REWARDS Secondary Student Book Set

The consumable REWARDS® Secondary Student Book (print) supports the teacher-led instru...

rewards writing classroom set

REWARDS Writing Classroom Set


Direct Instruction and focused practice that helps build essential writing skills for g...

rewards writing student books, set of 10

REWARDS Writing Student Books, set of 10

The consumable REWARDS® Writing: Sentence Refinement Student Book supports the teacher...

Anita L Archer

Anita L. Archer, Ph.D., is an educational consultant to school districts on explicit instruction, the design and delivery of instruction, behavior management, and literacy instruction. Over the course of her 40-year career, Dr. Archer has taught elementary and middle school students and has served on the faculties of San Diego State University, the University of Washington, and the University of Oregon. She is nationally recognized for her professional development activities, having presented workshops and seminars in every state. Dr. Archer is coauthor, with Dr. Mary Gleason, of numerous curriculum materials addressing reading, writing, and study skills. She is the recipient of ten awards honoring her excellence in teaching and her contributions to the field of education.