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Becky Spivey titles

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500 prefixes, suffixes, and stems combo

500 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems Combo


Provides 1000 vocabulary words & practice activities to help students understand and us...

500 prefixes, suffixes, and stems super fun sheets

500 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems Super Fun Sheets


Decode words by breaking them into simpler parts.

categories quick take along book

Categories Quick Take Along Book


540 prompts covering ten categories (20–80 prompts per topic). Topics include: About ...

difficult situations fun deck

Difficult Situations Fun Deck


This fun card deck helps students discuss how they would react to a variety of stressfu...

emotions skill strips

Emotions Skill Strips


Help students identify facial expressions associated with emotions using these 120 doub...

fold & say basic concepts mini books

Fold & Say Basic Concepts Mini Books


106 reproducible Mini-Books to help teach children 53 basic concept pairs. These mini-b...

funzee pronoun throwdown

Funzee Pronoun Throwdown


Helps students learn to identify and use subject, object, and possessive pronouns while...

homonyms for me 1-2-3 fun deck

Homonyms for Me 1-2-3 Fun Deck


Use this multiple meaning card deck to increase students vocabulary.

inferencing quick take along book

Inferencing Quick Take Along Book


This pocket-sized resource helps students improve their inferencing skills by respondin...

inferencing skill strips

Inferencing Skill Strips


120 double-sided cards (240 items) that address four skill areas across three levels of...

inferencing with nouns fun deck

Inferencing with Nouns Fun Deck


Use context clues, visual clues embedded in a photo and reasoning skills to complete a ...

photo classifying flips book

Photo Classifying Flips Book


160 colour photos in five categories to help students practice naming, categorising, de...

photo sentence remix fun deck

Photo Sentence Remix Fun Deck


Photo cards fun deck helps students understand the flexibility of word order through re...

photo vocabulary quick take along book

Photo Vocabulary Quick Take Along Book


Help children improve their vocabulary using real, full-colour photos! Pocket book incl...

sentence building fun deck

Sentence Building Fun Deck


Help students build sentences - use the cards to formulate simple, compound, and comple...

sentence remix fun deck

Sentence Remix Fun Deck


Helps students understand the flexibility of word order in sentences through rearrangin...

social skills quick take along book

Social Skills Quick Take Along Book


A pocket-sized resource for the busy speech pathologist, teacher or parent with 600 que...

triple talk

Triple Talk


Fast-paced card game for improving vocabulary, comprehension, and reasoning skills by p...

webber problem solving photo lotto

Webber Problem Solving Photo Lotto


Targets 6 essential problem-solving skills: analogies, what doesn't belong, inferencing...

what could be the reason…? fun deck

What Could Be the Reason…? Fun Deck


Presents picture cards to help student practice and build reasoning and inferencing ski...

what's wrong with this photo?

What's Wrong with This Photo?


Practice identifying absurdities, problem solving & storytelling with 56 funny photo ca...