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Bradley S Witzel

rigor for students with special needs

Rigor for Students with Special Needs


Practical guide explains how to raise the rigour for students with special needs so the...

rigor in the rti and mtss classroom

Rigor in the RTI and MTSS Classroom


Shows you how to develop rigourous RTI and MTSS programs that will support students and...

Bradley S Witzel

Dr. Bradley S. Witzel is the Adelaide Worth Daniels Distinguished Professor of Education at Western Carolina University. As a classroom teacher, and before that as a paraeducator, he worked in multiple settings teaching primarily math and science to high-achieving students with disabilities.

Dr. Witzel has written several books, including Rigor for Students with Special Needs, and the bestselling RtI in Math through Corwin Press. He has developed and presented six education videos as well as delivered several hundred workshops and conference presentations. He is an elected member of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Accessibility and Accommodations work group and of the Governing Board of the Southeast Regional Educational Laboratory (REL), funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Dr. Witzel currently serves as the editor of Focus on Inclusive Education through the Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) and recently served as a panelist on the IES practice guide Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics and as an invited reviewer of the final report from the National Mathematics Advisory Panel.