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Brenda Smith Myles

comprehensive autism planning system (caps)

Comprehensive Autism Planning System (CAPS)


The ultimate day planner for autistic students & others with complex needs.

excelling with autism

Excelling With Autism


Introduces a new way to optimise the progress of learners with ASD - by "deliberate pra...

the hidden curriculum

The Hidden Curriculum


In front of a live audience, author Brenda Smith Myles discusses the major topics of th...

the hidden curriculum

The Hidden Curriculum


Revised edition of the classic adds evidence-based practices and a series of instructio...

high functioning autism and difficult moments

High Functioning Autism and Difficult Moments


Solutions to challenges with a major emphasis on tantrums and behavioural outbursts. Fo...

making visual supports work in the home and community

Making Visual Supports Work in the Home and Community


Step-by-step directions and accompanying pictures to help families and individuals with...

the power cards strategy

The Power Cards Strategy


This step-by-step book shows how to harness the power of special interests to help chan...

sensory issues and high-functioning autism spectrum and related disorders

Sensory Issues and High-Functioning Autism Spectrum and R...


This expanded edition of a bestseller reviews sensory processing terminology and how th...

simple strategies that work!

Simple Strategies That Work!


This jargon free book provides ideas and suggestions that teachers can use to help a st...

starting points

Starting Points


Explains how the core characteristics of AS may manifest themselves in a variety of sit...

this is asperger syndrome

This is Asperger Syndrome


This is Asperger Syndrome gives the daily experiences of a child with Asperger Syndrome...

Brenda Smith Myles

Brenda Smith Myles Ph.D., Brenda has made over 1000 presentations all over the world and written more than 250 articles and books on ASD. In addition, she served as the co-chair of the National ASD Teacher Standards Committee, was on the National Institute of Mental Health’s Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee’s Strategic Planning Consortium, and collaborated with the National Professional Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders. She has also worked with the National Autism Center, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services who identified evidenced based practices for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and served as Project Director for the Texas Autism Resource Guide for Teachers (TARGET). Dr. Myles is also on the executive boards of several organizations, including the Scientific Council of the Organization for Autism Research (SCORE), College Internship Program, Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation Network, and ASTEP – Asperger Syndrome Training and Education Program. Further, in the latest survey conducted by the University of Texas, she was acknowledged as the second most productive applied researcher in ASD in the world.