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Brian Parker

informal prose inventory 3 in 1 bundle

Informal Prose Inventory 3 in 1 Bundle

These tests take about 20 minutes to conduct and give you information about a student's...

informal prose inventory 3 in 1 ebook bundle

Informal Prose Inventory 3 in 1 eBook Bundle


These tests of a person's reading ability can be loaded on all your school computers or...

informal prose inventory 3 in 1 ebook bundle

Informal Prose Inventory 3 in 1 eBook Bundle


These tests of a person's reading ability can be loaded on all your school computers or...

universal design for learning in english language arts

Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts


An insightful, practical resource that shows how to build rich, collaborative, engaging...

Brian Parker

Brian has done all his post graduate studies in education graduating as a high school art and art history teacher back in 1990. Not long after he retrained in English as a second language tutor to pursue his interest in literacy and international cultures. Ten years later , with ten years of teaching behind him he ended his work at the Ohtani Women's University and Clark International High School in Japan to resettle back in New Zealand where he once again went back to school, retraining as a primary school teacher. After 7 years of teaching and leading syndicates he was asked to join the team at the prestigious private teacher training college New Zealand Graduate School of Education as a primary and secondary school tutor. It was there that he formed a strong connection with Hilton Ayrey, a fellow tutor, and together they developed the online training programme SharpReading ONLiNE.