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Christi Cartwright-Lacerda

learning unlimited

Learning Unlimited


Practical instructional strategies & resources to develop literacy skills in multilingu...

Christi Cartwright-Lacerda

Christi Cartwright-Lacerda has been an ESL/ELD teacher of MLs and SLIFE for the past 10 years. She is the recipient of several awards, including the Rising Star Teacher of the Year Award from her school dis-trict (2018), NoVo Foundation SEL Innovation Fund Award (2018), Sontag Prize in Urban Education (2017, 2021, 2022, 2023), and MATSOL Linda Schulman Innovation Fund Award (2018, 2020).

She has presented on the subject of social-emotional learning for MLs and strategies for educating MLs and SLIFE locally, regionally, and internationally since 2015. Christi also works as an education consultant, sharing instructional strategies for newcomer MLs and SLIFE.