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David Orme

boffin boy complete pack

Boffin Boy Complete Pack


Fantastic series for getting the most reluctant or boy readers enjoying a book & make p...

boffin boy set 1

Boffin Boy Set 1


First six reading books in this bestselling 'manga' comic-style series, designed to par...

boffin boy set 2

Boffin Boy Set 2


Fantastic series for getting even the most reluctant or boy readers enjoying a book & m...

boffin boy set 3

Boffin Boy Set 3


Comic-style set of 6 readers, designed to particularly appeal to boys struggling with r...

reading stars plus complete top-up band pack

Reading Stars Plus Complete Top-Up Band Pack


Designed to support slightly older children who have fallen behind, focussing on the lo...

sharp shades

Sharp Shades


Set of 18 novels, perfect quick reads for teens & adults with a reading age of 8-9 years.

siti's sisters complete pack

Siti's Sisters Complete Pack


This hi-lo series allows reluctant readers to enjoy the trials and tribulations of the ...

thunderbolts set 1

Thunderbolts Set 1


These Hi-Lo books feature a non-fiction section together with a fully illustrated ficti...

thunderbolts set 2

Thunderbolts Set 2


These Hi-Lo books feature a non-fiction section together with a fully illustrated ficti...

thunderbolts set 3

Thunderbolts Set 3


These Hi-Lo books feature a non-fiction section together with a fully illustrated ficti...

thunderbolts set 4

Thunderbolts Set 4


These Hi-Lo books feature a non-fiction section together with a fully illustrated ficti...

zone 13

Zone 13


Exciting action-packed hi/lo stories that will appeal to children 8-14 with a love of t...

David Orme

David Orme has written over 350 books, including children’s fiction and non-fiction, graphic novels, poetry, and books for teachers. Many of his recent titles have been aimed at reluctant and struggling readers, with a low level text but with content suitable for older children. His fiction has been translated into a number of languages. David’s book for teachers, Unlocking the Poet in Every Child, is his distillation of a lifetime working with children, first as a teacher then as a writing workshop leader in schools.

David was a teacher for seventeen years, before he turned to writing. He has written two fiction series for Ransom Publishing where the same characters appear in each book. Starchasers is about a team of people who fly around the Galaxy sorting out problems for people. Boffin Boy is a graphic novel series that now has 18 titles, all wonderfully illustrated by Peter Richardson. Usually superheroes are brilliant and brave, but in this book they are all totally useless! (Apart from Boffin Boy of course, and his dog, Katt. Yes, that is his name.)

What started David off being a writer? Well, reading, of course, especially science-fiction – he loved it! So if you want to be a writer, get reading!