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Heather Harvey

grammar for everyone

Grammar For Everyone


3 practical guides to building grammar skills for upper primary and junior secondary st...

intensive reading program primary

Intensive Reading Program Primary


The Intensive Reading Programs are designed for the child who, for some reason or other...

intensive reading program secondary

Intensive Reading Program Secondary


Designed for the secondary student who has failed to acquire adequate reading skills. P...

Heather Harvey

Heather Harvey spent the first 10 years of her teaching career teaching in Infants and Primary Schools where she taught at every level from Kindergarten to grade 6. As a young teacher she was often given the classes that ‘nobody else wanted’ and very quickly developed an abiding interest in reading problems. In 1973 she was appointed to The Entrance High School as one of the first secondary Remedial Reading Teachers in the state. In 1974 she introduced Literacy Classes for Adults at The Entrance Evening College.

In 1992 she published a set of Intensive Reading Programs For Secondary Students which received critical acclaim from teachers, educators and parents alike. These programs are now being used in every state of Australia from small outback schools to the largest exclusive private schools. From 1996 until her retirement, Heather concentrated on on her publishing business while at the same time fulfilling an ever increasing number of speaking engagements, ranging from staff inservice and development days in both state and private schools, lectures to Special Education students, to conferences at local, regional and state level.