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Jason Harlacher

an educator’s guide to schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports

An Educator’s Guide to Schoolwide Positive Behavioral I...


Learn how to implement PBIS strategies in schools & understand the structure four key e...

effective bullying prevention

Effective Bullying Prevention


Supports the development of prosocial skills in K–12 students, & ways to make data-ba...

Jason Harlacher

Jason Harlacher, PhD, is a Senior Researcher with American Institutes for Research (AIR). He implements school-based multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) that help all students, including those who are targets of bullying and those who need social and emotional learning support. Prior to joining AIR, Dr. Harlacher worked as a school psychologist, district-level coach, adjunct professor, and state-level consultant. He presents nationally on topics related to classroom management, intensive interventions, and MTSS, and has published peer-reviewed journal articles and several books.