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Jennie Bjorem

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Jennie Bjorem is the creator of the Speech Sound Cues. Jennie is the owner of Children's Therapy Services in Leawood, KS. She has been practicing in the field of speech therapy for 20 years. Jennie specializes in parent education, early intervention, speech sound development and childhood apraxia of speech. Jennie is Recognized for Advanced Training in Childhood Apraxia of Speech by Apraxia Kids and presents around the country on the topic of CAS. Jennie designed the cues to help with her growing childhood apraxia of speech caseload. Having the cues that a 2-year-old was able to relate to, a cueing set that was parent-friendly and one that included vowels has been a dream of Jennie's. With the help of artist Ruthie Ozonoff, this dream has become a reality!

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