Offers ways to tailor ACT for effective work with children.
Jodie Wassner
Jodie Wassner is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist with over 15 years experience using ACT with children and young people, and over 25 years experience as a child psychologist. She divides her time between her private practice in Melbourne, Australia, where she works predominantly with anxiety, autism, OCD and ADHD in children, and running training and workshops for psychologists and other health professionals. She has written a 10-session manual for psychologists working with anxious children using the principles of ACT and she recently launched a YouTube channel featuring explainer videos for children to assist them to notice and manage difficult thoughts and feelings via an ACT lens. Jodie is an active member of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Sciences (ACBS) and President of the International Autism and ACT ACBS group. She is also frequently invited to present at conferences.