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John C Gibbs

aggression replacement training

Aggression Replacement Training


Intervention program to teach adolescents to understand & replace aggression & antisoci...

the equip program for high-risk adolescents

The EQUIP Program for High-Risk Adolescents


The revised and expanded EQUIP program and the EQUIP implementation guide now combined ...

teaching adolescents to think and act responsibly

Teaching Adolescents to Think and Act Responsibly


Holding students accountable for their actions and inspiring them with greater expectat...

John C Gibbs

John C. Gibbs, PhD (Harvard University, 1972), is a professor of developmental psychology at The Ohio State University. He has been a member of the State of Ohio Governor’s Council on Juvenile Justice and is a faculty associate of The Ohio State University Criminal Justice Research Center. His work has focused on developmental theory, assessment of social cognition and moral judgment development, and interventions with conduct-disordered adolescents. His was the lead author of the original EQUIP Program and has co-authored further developments of this highly regarded program as well as the second edition of Aggression Replacement Training.