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Julia A Simms

coaching classroom instruction

Coaching Classroom Instruction


Learn how to offer targeted feedback to teachers, empowering them to identify how they ...

the marzano synthesis

The Marzano Synthesis


This book helps you put it all together - from student engagement to metacognitive skil...

the new art and science of teaching reading

The New Art and Science of Teaching Reading


More than 100 detailed strategies for teaching writing and examples of implementation b...

where learning happens

Where Learning Happens


Master the art of attention in this book, designed to equip educators with practical st...

Julia A Simms

Julia A. Simms, an author, is vice president of Marzano Resources. A former classroom teacher, she and her team develop research-based resources and provide support to educators as they put them into practice. Her areas of expertise include effective instruction, learning progressions and proficiency scales, assessment and grading, and literacy development. She has authored or co-authored eleven books.

Julia received a bachelor's degree from Wheaton College and master's degrees in educational administration and K-12 literacy from Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado.