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Junhua Reitman

the selective mutism combo

The Selective Mutism Combo


Manual of advice, information, practical assessment and treatment plus workbook of act...

the selective mutism workbook for parents and professionals

The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals


This workbook provides hands-on activities, strategies, planning sheets and progress tr...

supporting your child with selective mutism

Supporting your Child with Selective Mutism


Provides strategies & ideas to support children with selective mutism in school, at hom...

Junhua Reitman

Junhua Reitman is a Parent Coach specialising in counselling parents and teachers of children with selective mutism (SM). She is the a parent of a child who has overcome selective mutism, co-author of The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals and the lead English-to-Chinese translator of several selective mutism related books. She leads an online support group for parents of children with SM, with 1000+ members worldwide. She is also the Director of SunnyMindED Selective Mutism Centre in China and is a Montessori early childhood educator.