Based on the principles of positive behaviour support (PBS), this program offers suppor...
Karolyn King-Peery
Karolyn King-Peery, M.A., began her career as a general education teacher 30 years ago. After the birth of her son with disabilities, she became a parent support coordinator for an early childhood organization and a Title I district area specialist, providing workshops for parents raising children with various disabilities. Karolyn completed her master’s degree and began working with positive behavior support (PBS) at Brigham Young University more than nine years ago, with Dr. Wilder as mentor and thesis chair. Karolyn has taught special education in the classroom and worked as a part-time faculty member at BYU, teaching courses in PBS. She runs 10-week Family HOPE workshops for parents and graduate students with the support of Dr. Tina T. Dyches and Utah’s Nebo School District.