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Kateri Thunder

the success criteria playbook

The Success Criteria Playbook


Provide students a clear view of what success looks like for any process, task, or prod...

teaching mathematics in the visible learning classroom, grades 3-5

Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom, G...


John Almarode, John Hattie & colleagues show you what works when for teaching maths in ...

Kateri Thunder

Kateri Thunder, Ph.D. served as an inclusive, early childhood educator, an Upward Bound educator, a mathematics specialist, an assistant professor of mathematics education at James Madison University, and Site Director for the Central Virginia Writing Project (a National Writing Project site at the University of Virginia). Kateri is an author for Corwin's Visible Learning for Mathematics Series, a member of NCTM's Research Committee and of the Writing Across the Curriculum Research Team with Dr. Jane Hansen, co-author of The Promise of Qualitative Metasynthesis for Mathematics Education with Dr. Robert Berry, and co-creator of The Math Diet. Currently, Kateri has followed her passion back to the classroom. She teaches prekindergarten, serves as the PreK-4 Math Lead for Charlottesville City Schools, and works as an educational consultant. Kateri is happiest exploring the world with her best friend and husband, Adam, their daughter, Anna Rixey, and family.

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