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Katie Novak

udl in the cloud

UDL in the Cloud


Helps educators design & deliver more accessible, engaging & effective UDL based online...

udl now!

UDL Now!


Katie Novak offers practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners suc...

universal design for learning in english language arts

Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts


An insightful, practical resource that shows how to build rich, collaborative, engaging...




Lively & fun book identifies elements of "The Unlearning Cycle" and challenges educator...

Katie Novak

Katie Novak, EdD, is the founder and director of Novak Education. She is an internationally renowned education consultant, an author, an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and a former assistant superintendent of schools in Massachusetts. Katie has two decades of experience in teaching and administration, has an earned doctorate in curriculum and teaching from Boston University, and has authored or coauthored 10 published books. Katie has provided professional development and implementation consultation on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), inclusive practices, multi-tiered systems of support, and equity in education in twenty-seven states and ten countries. She has worked with high-profile clients such as the NASA Science Activation Team, the Gates Foundation, Harvard University, Los Angeles Unified School District, and PBS Learning Media. Katie's work has been highlighted in many publications including Edutopia, the Huffington Post, ASCD Education Update, and AASA's School Administrator.

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