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Lyn Sharratt




Illustrates how system & school leaders must come together to boost student achievement...

Lyn Sharratt

Dr. Lyn Sharratt is a highly-accomplished practitioner, researcher, author, and presenter. Lyn has a BA in Social Work from The University of Waterloo, Canada; a B. Ed in Teaching, K-10, from The University of Western Ontario, Canada; a M. Ed. In Educational Administration from Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Canada; and an Ed. D. in Theory and Policy Studies from University of Toronto, Canada. She coordinates the doctoral internship program in Leadership, Higher and Adult Education Department at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Lyn has worked in four school districts across Ontario as a school superintendent, superintendent of curriculum and instruction, administrator, curriculum leader, and Special Education teacher. Lyn has taught all elementary grades and secondary-aged students in inner-city and rural settings. She has analyzed and commented on public policy for a provincial trustee organization, the Ontario Public School Boards' Association; has taught pre-service education at York University, Masters' and Doctoral students at University of Toronto and Nipissing University; and led in-service Professional Development in a provincial teachers' union head office.

Lyn is a widely-published researcher and author.