A comprehensive overview of 14 commonly available therapeutic interventions for childre...
Matthew Brand
Matthew Brand (B. Psyc. [Hons.], M. Psyc. [Clin.]) completed his Masters degree at the University of New England. He is a Clinical Psychologist specialising in the field of paediatric psychology. He has gained substantial expertise in both assessment and treatment of pre-schoolers and their families and has trained in a wide range of models tailored specifically to the age range of preschoolers, including several models of family therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, Trauma-Focussed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), emotion coaching, Circle of Security (COS) and Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPPP, among others. Matthew believes diagnostic assessments for common neurodevelopmental problems emerging in the preschool years, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and global developmental delay, need to be comprehensive and consider a range of factors that influence a child’s development. Over the past 10 years, Matthew has worked in several public health settings, for non-governmental organisations and in private practice in both assessment and treatment roles. Matthew has always been interested in prevention and early intervention to address mental health difficulties, advocating for the earliest treatment possible before emotional and behavioural difficulties become entrenched. He enjoys working with energy, enthusiasm, creativity and playfulness to meet the therapeutic needs of both children and their carers.