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Neil Mackay

can we do that again? a tutor's guide

Can We Do That Again? A Tutor's Guide


100+ ideas & activities to provide focused literacy interventions for students with dys...

leading on the idp

Leading on the IDP


Written for all teachers who have got lost in Inclusion Development Plan (IDP) cyber sp...

removing dyslexia as a barrier to achievement

Removing Dyslexia as a Barrier to Achievement


Takes a thought provoking and detailed look at the potential to create dyslexia friendl...

taking the hell out of homework

Taking the Hell out of Homework


Boost your child’s confidence; banish the tears and end the battle over homework with...

total teaching

Total Teaching


a set of practical ideas & teaching techniques for raising the achievement of pupils wh...

Neil Mackay

Neil Mackay is a freelance consultant and trainer who created the concept of Dyslexia Friendly Schools: a programme which has been widely adopted in the UK, New Zealand and Hong Kong and is attracting increasing interest from schools in Australia.

Neil is an experienced teacher who has taught for 26 years, working with children with a wide range of ages, needs and ability. He is known for his ability to bring the classroom into his training and for providing lively, entertaining and thought provoking opportunities for teachers and teaching assistants to reflect on and develop their practice. His audiences particularly appreciate his ability to offer workable responses to a range of learning needs, including AD(H)D, Asperger's Syndrome and Dyspraxia in ways which meet diverse learning needs without affecting the work of the rest of the class.

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