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Nicoleta Filimon

learning unlimited

Learning Unlimited


Practical instructional strategies & resources to develop literacy skills in multilingu...

Nicoleta Filimon

Nicoleta Filimon has been a teacher, dean of curriculum and instruction, assistant principal, education consultant, and teacher educator. She has taught ESL/ELD to MLs and SLIFE for more than 12 years in Massachusetts. Since 2006, she has presented on the subject of educating MLs and SLIFE locally, regionally, and internationally.

Nicoleta is the recipient of several awards, including the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMASS Lowell) Outstanding Dissertation in Practice Award (2023), MATSOL Teacher of the Year Award (2018), Sontag Prize in Urban Education (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), and Haverty Scholar in Education Award (2007). She recently received her doctorate in leadership in schooling from UMASS Lowell. A multilingual learner herself, Nicoleta is originally from Romania.