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Peter Westwood

commonsense methods for students with special needs and disabilities

Commonsense Methods for Students with Special Needs and D...


Fully revised 9th edition offers practical advice on evidence-based approaches for teac...

inclusive and adaptive teaching

Inclusive and Adaptive Teaching


Fully updated to reflect cutting-edge international research and teaching practices

learning disorders

Learning Disorders


Uniquely links the teaching methods to overcome learning problems to the 3 tiers of the...

numeracy and learning difficulties

Numeracy and Learning Difficulties


Draws on recent research for guidance on developing flexible teaching methods & strateg...

a parent's guide to learning difficulties

A Parent's Guide to Learning Difficulties


Provides parents with a clear explanation of the many causes of children's problems in ...

reading and learning difficulties

Reading and Learning Difficulties


Covers recent initiatives in the teaching of reading, the value of a phonics-based appr...

teaching and learning difficulties

Teaching and Learning Difficulties


Evidence based methods for teaching with strategies for reducing learning failure and e...

teaching spelling

Teaching Spelling


A practical guide to many evidence-based strategies & methods to help students become c...

what teachers need to know about differentiated instruction

What Teachers Need to Know About Differentiated Instruction


Presents a concise look at developing and implementing differentiated instruction progr...

what teachers need to know about learning difficulties

What Teachers Need to Know About Learning Difficulties


This succinct, easy-to-use guide draws on international research about learning difficu...

what teachers need to know about spelling

What Teachers Need to Know About Spelling


Practical suggestions on methods and activities applicable to all students, supplemente...

what teachers need to know about students with disabilities

What Teachers Need to Know About Students with Disabilities


This guide provides up-to-date, factual information on a range of physical, intellectua...

what teachers need to know about teaching methods

What Teachers Need to Know About Teaching Methods


This guide explains the different theories of teaching and learning, together with thei...

Peter Westwood

Peter Westwood has been a teacher in primary, secondary and special schools, but has also spent more than thirty years as a teacher educator and researcher in colleges and universities. He is the author of several bestselling books on special education, learning difficulties and inclusive education. For many years Peter has been involved in teacher education in England, Australia, and Hong Kong.

Peter has awards for excellence in teaching from Flinders University in South Australia and from the University of Hong Kong.