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Richard M Cash

advancing differentiation

Advancing Differentiation


Powerful strategies that will transform the way you teach & the way your students learn

differentiation for gifted learners

Differentiation for Gifted Learners


Connects gifted students' unique learning differences to specific teaching methods to t...

self-regulation in the classroom

Self-Regulation in the Classroom


Developing self-regulation is as easy as ABC: Affect (how you feel), Behavior (what you...

Richard M Cash

Richard M. Cash, Ed.D., received his post-baccalaureate degree in elementary education from the University of Minnesota, master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, Minnesota), and doctoral degree in educational leadership also from the University of St. Thomas.

After receiving his master’s, Richard became a curriculum specialist and developed training modules, curriculum formats, and differentiated learning archetypes that assisted teachers in creating higher-level experiences to meet the needs of all children. Upon completing his doctorate, Richard served as the administrator of gifted programs in Rochester, Minnesota, and recently, director of gifted programs for the Bloomington Public Schools in Minnesota. In Bloomington, he realigned the gifted programs to service more students during a budget deficit and incorporated differentiated instruction into the total school curriculum.

Richard has given hundreds of workshops, presentations, and staff development sessions throughout the United States and internationally. The research-based strategies and techniques he offers are proven to increase student achievement. His greatest passion is helping teachers recognise the various talents all children possess and create engaging learning experiences to encourage those talents to flourish.

Richard is a member of several professional organisations including the National Association for Gifted Children, the Council for Exceptional Children, and the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. He has authored numerous articles on quality instructional practices and is considered by many to be an exceptionally engaging, motivating, and enlightening presenter.