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Robert Logie

working memory

Working Memory


Brings together in one volume, state-of-the-science chapters written by the most produc...

Robert Logie

Robert H Logie (PhD 1981, University College London, UK) is Professor of Human Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh, UK. His research has focused on human memory, especially working memory, across the adult lifespan in the healthy and damaged brain. He has published over 180 journal articles, 54 book chapters, and has authored or edited 19 books and special journal issues including the current volume. He is a former editor of Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, elected member (2012-2017) and chair (2015) of the Psychonomic Society, member (2009-2015) and chair (2015) of a European Research Council Advance Grants Panel, and currently is an Associate Editor for Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Edinburgh, the Royal Society of Arts, the British Psychological Society, and an Honorary Member of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology.