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Simon Baron-Cohen

aspergers syndrome

Aspergers Syndrome


Narrated by Simon Baron-Cohen, this DVD presents viewers with the opportunity to both s...

autism & asperger syndrome the facts

Autism & Asperger Syndrome The Facts


This authorative book covers what we have learnt to date about the brain, genetics, and...

the essential difference

The Essential Difference


Presents a compelling new theory that autism (and Asperger's Syndrome) is actually an e...

lego®-based therapy

LEGO®-Based Therapy


A comprehensive guide to setting up LEGO Therapy groups to promote social skills in chi...

teaching children with autism to mind-read

Teaching Children with Autism to Mind-Read


Presents the most effective approaches, strategies & practical guidelines to help allev...

zero degrees of empathy

Zero Degrees of Empathy


Award-winning British researcher, Baron-Cohen, who has investigated psychology and auti...

Simon Baron-Cohen

Simon Baron-Cohen is Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at Cambridge University and a Fellow of Trinity College. He is also Director of the Autism Research Centre in Cambridge, and runs a clinic for adults with Asperger Syndrome. Professor Baron-Cohen isone of the co-discoverers of the 'theory of mind' deficit in autism. He has received the Spearman Medal, the May Davison Award for Clinical Psychology, and the Presidents Award from the British Psychological Society. He has also won the McAndless Award from the American Psychological Association. His books include Mindblindness (1995), The Essential Difference (2003) and Autism and Asperger Syndrome: The Facts (2009).