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Steve Graham

best practices in writing instruction

Best Practices in Writing Instruction


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Handbook Of Learning Disabilities


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Writing and Reading Connections


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Steve Graham

Steve Graham, EdD, is the Mary Emily Warner Professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University; he shares this professorship with Karen R. Harris. Past editor of Exceptional Children and Contemporary Educational Psychology, Dr. Graham is coeditor (with Karen R. Harris and Tim Urdan) of the American Psychological Association's three-volume APA Educational Psychology Handbook and has published numerous books on writing instruction. His research focuses on identifying the factors that contribute to writing development and writing difficulties, developing and validating effective instructional procedures for teaching writing, and the use of technology to enhance writing performance.

Dr. Graham has received numerous awards, including the Sylvia Scribner Award from Division C of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the Career Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the Kauffman–Hallahan Distinguished Researcher Award from the CEC Division of Research, the Samuel A. Kirk Award from the CEC Division of Learning Disabilities, the Distinguished Researcher Award from the special education interest group of the AERA, and the Wiederholt Distinguished Lecturer Award from the Council of Learning Disabilities. He was elected to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2018 and is a fellow of AERA, Division 15 of the American Psychological Association, and the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities.

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