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Susan Dymock

teaching literacy effectively in the modern classroom for ages 5–8

Teaching Literacy Effectively in the Modern Classroom for...


Covers assessment, planning and progression of writing, spelling, decoding and comprehe...

teaching reading comprehension

Teaching Reading Comprehension


Presents strategies that teachers can understand & teach. Strategies are simple, flexib...

teaching reading vocabulary

Teaching Reading Vocabulary


Would you like students to be excited when they read a new word & keen to work out its ...

writing for impact

Writing for Impact


Explains & shows teachers how to teach students essential writing skills - simple & eff...

Susan Dymock

Sue Dymock was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Waikato, where she taught pre- and in-service teachers for almost 25 years. Her research and practice focused on understanding and supporting students with literacy difficulties, in particular, dyslexia. She had published ten books on supporting teachers to teach reading and to work with dyslexic students, with most of these books published by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research. Sue was the Director of the Hamilton Children’s Reading Centre, which provides specialist diagnosis and tuition for children experiencing reading difficulties.

In 2016, Sue was selected as a Fellow of the International Academy of Research in Learning Disabilities. She was also a regular presenter at national and international conferences and was a Fellow of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities.

Sue passed away on 2 November 2023, aged 69, after a short illness.

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