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Susan Lamke

no room for bullies book and cd set

No Room for Bullies Book and CD Set


Solve bullying issues by teaching social skills & presenting problem-solving methods to...

no room for bullies lesson plans for grades 9-12

No Room for Bullies Lesson Plans For Grades 9-12


Easy-to-use lesson plans to empower teens with the strategies and skills they need to h...

no room for bullies, lesson plans for grades 5-8

No Room for Bullies, Lesson Plans For Grades 5-8


Solve bullying issues by teaching social skills & presenting problem-solving methods to...

well managed schools

Well Managed Schools


School-wide behaviour management by empowering students with social & self-management s...

Susan Lamke

Susan Lamke, M.S., is Director of Boys Town's National Training. She provides consultation services and support to school systems across the country that implement the Boys Town Education Model. She has conducted hundreds of workshops, including Well-Managed Schools and Specialized Classroom Management, for teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and guidance counselors. Lamke has also taught at the elementary level for Omaha Public Schools.