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Tamara J Arthaud titles

add evaluation scale complete kit (addes-5)

ADD Evaluation Scale Complete Kit (ADDES-5)


Enables educators & psychologists to evaluate ADHD in children & youth from primary obs...

asperger's disorder assessment scale (adas)

Asperger's Disorder Assessment Scale (ADAS)


The ADAS is designed to contribute to early identification and service delivery for stu...

asperger's disorder intervention manual cd-rom (windows®)

Asperger's Disorder Intervention Manual CD-ROM (Windows®)


This software provides three report options plus the ability to maintain individual stu...

autism spectrum disorder evaluation scale (asdes)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluation Scale (ASDES)


The ASDES improves early identification & service delivery for students with Autistic D...

emotional or behavior disorder scale, revised (ebds-r)

Emotional or Behavior Disorder Scale, Revised (EBDS-R)


The EBDS-R was developed to assist in the early identification and service delivery for...

gifted intervention manual

Gifted Intervention Manual


Provides goals, objectives, and classroom instruction/intervention strategies for the e...

learning disability evaluation scale (ldes-4) complete kit

Learning Disability Evaluation Scale (LDES-4) Complete Kit


Designed to provide a profile based on the most commonly accepted definition of learnin...