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Wendela Whitcomb Marsh

abcs of autism in the classroom

ABCs of Autism in the Classroom


Evidence-based, research-supported behavioral tools presented in teacher-friendly langu...

autism parent handbook

Autism Parent Handbook


Once a diagnosis of autism is made - questions arise - why is this happening? what can ...

independent living with autism

Independent Living with Autism


A guide for young adults with autism leaving school & looking for guidance in the impor...

recognizing autism in women & girls

Recognizing Autism in Women & Girls


Provides the perspective needed to see how autism manifests in gendered ways, allowing ...

Wendela Whitcomb Marsh

Dr. Wendela Whitcomb Marsh, MA, BCBA, RSD, has been a special education teacher, school psychologist, autism specialist, speaker, writer, counselor, university instructor, and Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. She is the mother of two awesome individuals with autism, and was married for 27 years to an amazing man with Asperger’s syndrome. People on the spectrum, and the dedicated teachers who work with them, are among her favorite people in the world. Dr. Marsh lives in Salem, Oregon with her three children.