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Wendy W Murawski

beyond co-teaching basics

Beyond Co-Teaching Basics


A practical approach to achieve mastery of the co-teaching core competencies with dozen...

co-teaching do's, don'ts, and do betters

Co-Teaching Do's, Don'ts, and Do Betters


Gain valuable insights on what to start doing, what to stop doing, and how to improve y...

how to teach so students remember

How to Teach So Students Remember


Sprenger's celebrated book offers 7 concrete, actionable steps to help students use wha...

what really works with universal design for learning

What Really Works With Universal Design for Learning


The how-to guide for general & special ed teachers implementing UDL with research-based...

Wendy W Murawski

Wendy W. Murawski, PhD, is the Michael D. Eisner Endowed Chair and Executive Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). She is a tenured Full Professor in the Department of Special Education, a past president of the Teacher Education Division (TED) for the Council for Exceptional Children, a former Teacher Educator of the Year for the state of California, and the recent recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Award for her university. She has authored 10 books, as well as numerous chapters, articles, and handbooks in the areas of co-teaching, collaboration, inclusion, differentiation, and teaching. Wendy owns her own educational consulting company (2 TEACH LLC), loves to travel and speak nationally and internationally, and is a frequently requested keynote speaker. This year, her 14-year old son Kiernan started high school and, as a former HS teacher, this petrifies her. Wendy and her fiancé, Donald, are trying to ignore the reality of passing time through travel, house projects, outdoor BBQs and movie nights, and even working out. It’s not helping.