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William Van Cleave

sentence sense, level a

Sentence Sense, Level A


This two book set of consumable student workbooks complements Writing Matters and provi...

sentence sense, level b

Sentence Sense, Level B


Two book set of consumable student workbooks complements Writing Matters and provides 1...

sentence stretches 1 - basic

Sentence Stretches 1 - Basic


Students expand their sentences through these fun innovative & cognitive games, buildin...

sentence stretches 2 - advanced

Sentence Stretches 2 - Advanced


Students enjoy expanding their sentences with innovative & cognitive games. Build sente...

story frames for teaching literacy

Story Frames for Teaching Literacy


A dynamic, engaging approach to help students understand, analyse and create stories, i...

William Van Cleave is a highly regarded educator and speaker whose specialities include morphology and written expression.

An internationally recognised speaker with an interactive, hands-on presentation style, William has presented on effective teaching practices at conferences and schools both in the United States and internationally (including Australia) since 1995. Recent projects include consulting with schools as part of a literacy grant in Montana; participating on the MTSS Writing Standards Committee for the State of Pennsylvania; implementing several Trainer of Trainers projects using his sentence structure approach; and writing a series of workbooks and a companion book on developing composition skills to complement his sentence approach.

As a publisher William has produced several of his own books and educational tools as well as related resources by respected colleagues whose expertise complements William's own work.

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