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Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: Evidence-Based and Promising Interventions

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Matt Tincani, Andy Bondy

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and Adults

334 pages
ISBN: 9781462526154

Bringing together leading experts, this book presents effective practices for helping people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to thrive in adulthood. As individuals with ASD mature, their needs change as well. The book reviews the growing research base and describes ways to support adolescents and adults in succeeding in higher education and work, living independently, enjoying leisure activities, navigating meaningful personal relationships, and more. Specific behavioural and instructional interventions—such as functional communication training, positive behaviour support, and applied behaviour analysis—are discussed. Case examples illustrate practical aspects of applying the strategies in real-world school and community settings.

Contributors, Amarie Carnett, Vanessa A Green, Jeff Sigafoos and Larah van der Meer are all from the School of Educational Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

  1. Characteristics of Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders, Brenda Smith Myles, Amy Bixler Coffin, Donna J. Owens, & Courtney Yantes
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Family, Lauren Pepa & Sandra L. Harris

II. Transitioning from Adolescence to Adulthood

  1. Effective Secondary Education and Transition for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Michael L. Wehmeyer & Dianne Zager
  2. Postsecondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Jane Thierfeld Brown, Lorraine E. Wolf, & Christine Wenzel

III. Instructional and Behavioral Interventions to Promote Quality of Life

  1. Behavioral Interventions for Complex Communication and Social Skills in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Angelica Aguirre, John O’Neill, Ruth Anne Rehfeldt, & Valerie Boyer
  2. Teaching Functional Communication to Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Russell Lang, Jeff Sigafoos, Larah van der Meer, Amarie Carnett, Vanessa A. Green, Giulio E. Lancioni, & Mark F. O’Reilly
  3. Positive Behavior Support for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Matt Tincani & Shannon Crozier
  4. Skill-Building Interventions for Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Peter F. Gerhardt, Maria Fernanda Garcia, & Anthony Foglia
  5. Sexuality and Relationships for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Jason C. Travers & Peggy Schaeffer Whitby
  6. Toward a Balanced Leisure Lifestyle for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Phyllis Coyne & Ann Fullerton

IV. Employment, Independence, Aging, and Policy

  1. Meaningful Employment for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Paul Wehman, Pamela Sherron Targett, Carol Schall, & Staci Carr
  2. Facilitating Successful Independent Living Skills for Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders, Brenda Smith Myles, Daniel Steere, Cathy Pratt, Ruth Aspy, Barry G. Grossman, & Shawn A. Henry
  3. Aging, Estate Planning, and Funding Services for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Carol Markowitz
  4. Legal Issues and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Beverly L. Frantz & David W. Zellis

"Tincani and Bondy—who collectively have some 60 years of experience in the field of autism—bring together in one place the wisdom of experts from a broad range of disciplines that touch the lives of adults with ASD. The book meets its goal of providing clarity about ways to build skills for employment, independent living, and other areas that help one live a happy life. The case studies are a rich source of practical information that will be of great utility to readers. Anyone who works with adolescents and adults on the autism spectrum will find this book invaluable."
- V. Mark Durand, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida St. Petersburg

"At last! A one-stop shop for those interested in the issues affecting adolescents and adults with ASD. As someone who has worked with this population for over 45 years, I know how truly important these issues are to individuals and families. This volume provides state-of-the-art knowledge from many of the field's leading researchers and practitioners. Coverage includes life transitions, community involvement, services, education, social relationships, recreation, aging, and more. I am impressed by the accessibility of the volume; the chapters are well organized and clearly written. This book is a 'must have' for clinicians, educators, and students entering the field."
- Laura Schreibman, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego

"Adults and adolescents with ASD have received far less attention than children, making this book especially needed and valuable. That the book accentuates evidence-based treatments and interventions makes it all the more useful. Instructors looking for a practitioner-friendly text for ASD adult-focused classes (e.g., transition planning for adults) will find excellent content here. Practitioners interested in up-to-date information and strategies for guiding postschool and adult planning will also be pleased with this resource."
- Richard L. Simpson, EdD, Department of Special Education, University of Kansas