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Awesome Games and Activities for Kids with Numeracy Difficulties: How to Feel Smart and in Control About Doing Mathematics with a Neurodiverse Brain

$41.81  Paperback
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Judy Hornigold, Joe Salerno

  • Awesome Games and Activities for Kids with Numeracy Difficulties

144 pages
Interest Age: 7+
ISBN: 9781787755635

Has maths ever made you feel anxious, confused or Like you just don't get it?

A collection of mathematical games, activities and curiosities to surprise and amuse children aged 7+, whilst providing learners with a grasp of fundamental concepts and techniques.

Designed to spark a child's enthusiasm for maths and make learning simp[e, this book can be used by anyone wanting to improve their maths, as well as those with dyscalculia or maths anxiety or other SLDs (specific learning difficulties), and will show learners how much fun numbers can be.

An entertaining collection of mathematical games and curiosities for you to astound your family and friends with. You don't have to follow the chapters in a certain order - you can use this book however you would like, whether you want to get creative, play a game or impress your friends with a clever trick.

Awesome Games and Activities for Kids with Numeracy Difficulties will help children to grasp the fundamental concepts in maths through exploration and play. It will appeal to all learning styles and abilities but is particularly relevant for those with specific learning difficulties such as dyscalculia.

An engaging book with cartoons to enable learners to feel smart and in control about learning maths with a neurodiverse brain. Building self-esteem and promoting a growth mindset, these activities will help readers to effortlessly develop their number skills, empowering event he least confident learner with a deeper understanding of maths.

Table of Contents

Why I wrote this book

How to use this book

An introduction for parents (and interested children)

  1. Play it!
  2. Play some more!
  3. Ponder it!
  4. Conjure it!
  5. Simplify it!
  6. Square it!
  7. Make it!
  8. Riddle it!
  9. Believe it!

"This is a cleverly organized, clearly presented collection of games and activities which will help build an understanding of math’s in learners. It is a great example of, 'If you ask the right questions, then children learn"
- Steve Chinn, Visiting Professor, University of Derby

"Sweaty palms? Racing heart? A lump in the back of your throat? As a maths teacher, I know that maths anxiety can prevent people, young and old, from accessing this beautiful subject. Judy draws upon her vast and rich experience in education to create this book that all teachers and parents should have. This engaging, fun and playful book has gathered together a wonderful collection of maths activities and curiosities that will engage maths fans but equally importantly, inspire those that need a little encouragement too!"
- Bobby Seagull, school maths teacher, author of The Life-Changing Magic of Numbers and BBC presenter for the Monkman & Seagull Genius Guides