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Balancing Language Burger

$72.68  Game
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Rachele Ellsworth

  • Balancing Language Burger

Interest Age: 6 to 12
ISBN: 725272730706

Balancing Language Burger is an engaging game designed to support expressive language growth in a motivating format. Players work together to build a complete burger. They take turns rolling the die, answering questions, and adding toppings to the burger. All players need to be careful because the wobbly plate makes it a true balancing feat! The cards illustrate the six distinct burger toppings. Each burger topping focuses on one of the following skills:

  • Comparing
  • Contrasting
  • Wh-questions
  • Categories
  • Associations
  • Functions

There are multiple ways to play, so students will get plenty of practice as they try to balance the burger and win!

Table of Contents

14 burger pieces




50 content cards