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Behavior Mapping: A Visual Strategy for Teaching Appropriate Behavior to Individuals With Autism Spectrum & Related Disorders

RRP - $34.97   Our Price - $31.77  Softcover
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Amy Buie

  • Behavior Mapping

48 pages
Interest Age: 4 to 18
ISBN: 9781937473822

Behavior Mapping is the latest visual based strategy for children with autism to decrease challenging behaviors. Behavior Mapping complements other visual strategies that are available to support children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Behavior Maps, also known as Consequence Maps, create a visual tool that list the reinforcement that will occur for a given behavior choice. For example, if the behavior you want to teach is to raise one’s hand to get the teacher’s attention in class rather than blurting out, the Behavior Map indicates the reinforcer for doing so, such as a sticker on the student’s sticker chart to time play with a Buzz Light Year figure.

The Behavior Map also indicates what the consequence would be if the child “shouts out” and does NOT raise his hand; in the case, NO time with Buzz Light Year. As such, Behavior Maps visually show kids how they can earn the things they like by doing what teachers and parents want them to do.

Grounded in evidence-based practice, Amy Buies Behavior Mapping is a groundbreaking way of motivating children to make good choices and learn new skills. Better yet, due to its visual nature, this simple-to-implement strategy is effective for a range of students, regardless of age and ability level.

Supported by examples and real-life vignettes, four major categories of maps are presented, covering major classroom challenges:

  • Consequence Maps
  • Complex Behavior Maps
  • Language Maps
  • Problem-Solving Maps

""I bought this to share with my school's behavior team (they also work with my own son). It has printable, and good explanations. We will be using this book for my son, and they'll probably use it to help other students."
- Kerry Krzymicki