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Behavioral Response to Intervention: Creating a Continuum of Problem-Solving & Support

$85  Softcover (inc CD)
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Randy Sprick, Mike Booher, Mickey Garrison

  • Behavioral Response to Intervention

344 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781599090283

This resource provides educators with information about how to create a continuum of support at district, school, and individual levels to meet the behavioural needs of all students. The book is designed for any school personnel who have a responsibility to ensure that students' needs for behavioural (social/emotional) support are met, such as:

  • Building-based administrators
  • Counsellors and psychologists
  • Problem-solving team members
  • Special education teachers
  • Behaviour specialists
  • District personnel such as special education directors/co-ordinators, directors of school psychology, and supervisors of school counsellors

One major purpose of this book is to present a proposed model: a blueprint for how services can be organised. The primary objective of this service-delivery structure should be to meet students' behavioural needs. Secondarily, the structure should ensure that interventions are designed and implemented in the most time-, personnel-, and cost-effective manner possible-while still meeting students' needs.

The model outlined in B-RTI creates a sound structure to:

  • Reduce dropout rates
  • Address disproportionality of suspension and referrals to special education
  • Reduce the degree to which school psychologists, behaviour analysts, behaviour specialists, and school counsellors will have long waiting lists of students who need evaluations and services.

Includes CD with more than 30 reproducible forms, all enabled for type-in entry on your computer.