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Being You: The Body Image Book for Boys

$17.23  Paperback
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Charlotte Markey, Daniel Hart, Douglas Zacher

  • Being You

162 pages
Interest Age: 12 to 18
ISBN: 9781108949378

From early childhood boys often feel pressured to be athletic and muscular. But what impact does this have on physical and mental well-being through their teens and beyond? Worryingly, a third of teen boys are trying to 'bulk up' due to body dissatisfaction, and boys and men account for 25% of eating disorder cases.

What can we tell our boys to help them feel happy and confident simply being themselves? Being You has the answers! It's an easy-to-read, evidence-based guide to developing a positive body image for boys aged 12+. It covers all the facts on puberty, diet, exercise, self-care, mental health, social media, and everything in-between. Boys will find answers to the questions most on their mind, the truth behind many diet and exercise myths, and real-life stories from other boys. Armed with this book, they will understand that muscles don't make a man – it's enough simply being you!

Being You, The Body Image Book for Boys:

  • Provides accurate, evidence-based information about body image, healthy eating habits, mental and physical health for pre-teen and teen-aged boys
  • Helps boys to understand and appreciate their bodies as they become young men, and navigate their way through inaccurate health/diet information and unrealistic body ideals portrayed in the media
  • Encourages ways to take care of mental and physical heath to improve body image and overall wellbeing, and establish positive habits they can take with them into adulthood

"The Body Image Book for Boys contains every single piece of information that doctors and experts want teenage boys to know- but rarely get the chance to tell them… Delivered with a thoughtful, empathetic, and intelligent tone, and filled with detailed, evidence-based content, this book is ideal for boys who are hungry for knowledge about what is happening in their bodies, and how best to look after their physical and mental health. The authors communicate complex issues and information in interesting and detailed ways. They dispel the myths, and share the stories of numerous adolescent boys with a range of different attitudes toward, or experiences of, their bodies. This book covers such a wide range of topics - the physical, the emotional, and everything in between. Strongly recommend."
- Dr Zali Yager, Executive Director, The Body Confident Collective

"This is a terrific book which frankly and kindly guides adolescent boys to develop a positive body image in terms of what they can't change, what they can indeed learn to do, and the wisdom and self-compassion to learn the difference. With a skilful blend of definitions and explanations, plus advice from experts and a diverse set of adolescent boys and young men, the authors deftly transform scientific research findings into practical advice that respects the desires, needs, stressors, and appearance concerns of adolescent boys. Parents, grandparents, pediatricians, teachers, clergy, and others would also benefit from this book so that they are prepared to challenge the many sociocultural messages that make it all too easy for boys to use the petri dish of toxic masculinity to cultivate a negative body image and other unhealthy habits."
- Michael P. Levine, Ph.D., FAED, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Kenyon College

"The ultimate handbook to help boys navigate puberty and develop a healthy body image. Packed full of practical and evidence-based advice on diet, fitness, and mental health, it addresses boys' body image concerns head-on. A must read. Being You will help boys appreciate they have more to offer the world than how they look."
- Judi Craddock, author of The Little Book of Body Confidence

"This book gives boys the crucial skills and language to talk about – and hopefully improve – the relationship they have with their bodies. These conversations are often taboo for both men and boys, but this book provides the necessary roadmap to tackle them in a compassionate and productive way. In short, this book is a must for anyone trying to support the young boys and men in their lives."
- Jeffrey Hunger, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, Miami University, Ohio

"Finally, a book dedicated to the experience of boys and body image. It's not just an issue that impacts girls, in fact, anyone with a body has a sense of their own body image. Drs Markey, Hart and Zacher write about the unique experiences of boys and men and their relationship with their bodies such as feeling the pressure to be lean and muscular. The scientific research presented is supported by the stories of real boys and men in their own voices making the content highly relatable. There is a range of great tips to help boys improve their sense of body image as well as encouragement to become the changemakers in promoting positive body image in society more generally. A highly useful resource for boys and everyone who supports them."
- Dr Gemma Sharp, Senior Research Fellow & Clinical Psychologist, Leader, Body Image Research Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Monash University

"Dr. Markey has done it again! An excellent companion book to her body image book for girls with chapters covering the critical body image issues that boys would want to know: puberty, how they can take care of their bodies, and eating. The coverage of related mental health issues like bullying and self-compassion makes for a well-rounded volume of how boys can learn to be their best selves. Body image and eating issues are increasing for boys, and need more attention from researchers, parents, and media. This much-needed book helps guide boys through body image issues in a way that is fun, engaging, and specific to boys' needs and concerns. It's beautifully illustrated and highly readable, and features real life stories from boys and expert advice. Give the boys in your life a gift they deserve - buy this book!"
- Dr Meghan Gillen, Associate Professor of Psychology, Penn State Abington

"Being You dispels the myth of body image only being a concern for girls and provides an excellent, insightful analysis of the nature of body image concerns among boys, as well as what causes these concerns. The book adopts a positive approach to body, exploring how boys can engage in healthy physical activity and eating so that they experience physical and mental health. From stories to expert advice, to useful tips to address concerns that are unique to boys, the book is clearly well researched and written in an accessible way for boys, their parents, teachers and others who work with boys. A wonderful book that will be a central resource to all who are interested in ensuring that boys grow up to be healthy and well-adjusted men."
- Professor Marita McCabe, Ph.D., FAPS FCCLP FCHP, Research Professor and Team Leader, Health and Ageing Research Group, Swinburne University

"An excellent resource for adolescents and their family on an important but often overlooked issue - male body image. The book provides evidence-informed breakdown of what body image is, the contributing factors to positive vs negative body image during adolescence, and how to improve body image. It balances informative aspects with practical tips and activities to try at home. Descriptions are written in an easy-to-follow and concise manner, engaging the reader and facilitating understanding. Timely inclusion of quotes from experts and from adolescents themselves flesh out the key concepts described in the book. With body image issues placed nicely within the context of typical development, it is well suited as a resource for all adolescent boys and not just those who harbor extreme levels of body image concerns."
- Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Ph.D., Group Leader, Data Sciences, Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development, School of Psychology, Faculty of Health, Deakin University